Sunday, March 11, 2012

Downtown Pueblo

I love old buildings. I like being able to see and touch a part of history. It just makes me happy. I have dreams of restoring an old downtown store. You never know what might happen in the future! And plus, there is an awesome Riverwalk area downtown that we take the dog to every once in awhile.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Lettuce

So for the last 6 months or so I've been working at Nicholas Farms in Pueblo, CO where we grow lettuce and tomatoes. Its a great job actually... I get to be barefoot, wear what I want, listen to my ipod alllllll day, come in what ever time I choose, do as much work as I feel like doing (unless its the day before delivery) and I don't have to deal with the general public. Its the perfect job, I have no complaints.

When we first moved here I didn't know what to do with myself. Adam kept telling me that I'd figure out what I wanted to do. So for a few weeks I did nothing. I unpacked the house while Adam was at work (at the greenhouse) and was just generally lazy. And then John, the owner, had to fire the two girls that were working the lettuce house before and he asked if I'd come in and give it a shot. So I did and at first I took forever! I was so slow and it was so tiring. But now I'm used to it and I love what I'm doing. I'm proud of my lettuce and I love to go to the grocery down the road where they sell some of my lettuce. It feels good to see your product on a shelf and know that your hard work put it there. :)

 Spring Mix growing in Oasis foam

Spring Mix (about two weeks old)

 A happy lettuce house

Early morning in the greenhouse