Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 53

We went out to eat tonight. I looove some greasy "chinese" food anyday ("chinese" as in American verson of Chinese food, I'm sure they eat better over there) but ya know... fortune cookies just aren't what they used to be. Blurry but this was on the phone so... eh.

Day 52

The moon was almost full tonight. It looked awesome behind the trees. I'm not so good at night skies but I'd like to be. It would be alot easier with a tripod but mine was built cheaply and just snapped apart one day. So this is just me being still.

Day 51

Sigh. I'm tired of long days at work. Thats all for today.

Day 50

Wow! I've done 50 days now!

I love cute fabrics. I wish I were a little more talented when it comes to sewing. I wish I had something I could use this fabric for but I've yet to have a good idea for it. But it'll come to me.

Day 49

Is Valentines Day! Its a cute day and all but Adam and I aren't really Valentines day kinda people. We don't really do gifts and we tell each we love each other every day. Lots of times every day. So I don't need a day to set aside for mushy love stuff. Its better in lots of small doses than one big one once a year. So when I got home from work today, Adam declared it "Sarah Day". He's cute.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 48

I found some adorable fabric at walmart yesterday and I just had to make something with it. So I made this cute little owl. I'm not the best at sewing so there are several (if not more) mistakes... but I think he's cute. My little Hooty-Hoot.

Day 47

I love when its just a little cool outside in the morning, clear, and calm with only the birds making noise... just singing a morning song. Ahhh. It feels good. This is what kind of morning this was.

Day 46

I bought some sand for the wedding I didn't have. I wanted to do the sand ceremony because it would be something to replace having the candle ceremony since I wanted an outside wedding. I figured it would be hard to light the candles and such outside... so anyway- the sand. We never had the wedding (we just eloped instead) and so I still have all this sand. So I just poured it all into this glass bottle I had laying around. I tried to to a nice rainbow of the layers but I didn't find my blue... but almost had it.

Day 45

This is a tree from down the street. I forget the name of the tree... I think its the TN state tree maybe. But its preparing to bloom! Pretty! Guess what? Still tired. Ugh.

Day 44

Its hard to find something to take a picture of when you just get off work. Blah... I don't want to do much more than sit on the couch.... I know call the Waaaa-bulence!

Day 43

Adam told me about a week ago that he ordered six salt lamps online. I didn't think much about it but we got these cool things today. The picture doesn't do it justice I think. But they give off a nice comfy glow Like a fire maybe. Either way, they make me relax. And right now I really need to relax. I'm working at one of the top 5 Subways in Kenutucky. And believe me, with these $5 footlongs, everyday is just so tiring. I've been working 10 hour days 3 out of 5 days. So keeping up with this blog during Febuary is probably not going to happen much... just so ya know.  

Day 42

Adam bought some crystals online and they are pretty. Oh and I am tired. Thats all folks!

Day 41

I made some cookies for my mom today.. and a little for me. I make the best chocolate chip cookies. Its true.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 40

The night Rachel left she made a little bracelet for me and Oneisha out of some twine and a charm set that Chelsie had. Oneisha has an owl and I have a bird in a cage. I still miss Rachel very much.

Day 39

I went to my parents house today. My parents have alot of dogs. Four of them are black dogs.... maybe lab mixes? Is even the proper wording? I don't know.. But one of them went blind in one eye... because of Blasto (?) and had to have her eye removed. She's very sweet.

Day 38

Adam bought some awesome coins today. Big shiny coins!

Day 37

Adam gave me a silver chain with one of his tags and a 5 yen coin before we even started dating. I wore it all the time for the longest time and there is a certain comfort in the sound of the two clinking together.

Day 36

I love my feet shoes. When Adam wears them he says things like, "Gotta put on my feet!" or "Hun, where are my feet?" and I think its cute. I also kinda like being able to wiggle my toes in the sand while wearing my shoes. It still has that feel good factor. Vibram Fivefingers are awesome!

Day 35

Adam and I went hiking today. Everything was mossy and green. It was pretty... I love alot of green around... it reminds me of being in an evergreen forest and that for some weird reason reminds me of an enchanted forset. I love it.