Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Home

Its been awhile again... but I have a good excuse this time. I've been very busy moving across the country from Kentucky to  Colorado! But its good to finally be in a place that I can call home. :)

Adam and I have been exploring but it keeps happening when I don't have my camera. We were going for some coffee the day after we got here and ended up driving into the mountains. And then we went to Lowe's and ended up in Canon City in the mountains and in a 5 star restaurant in blue jeans and a t-shirt... but we met the owner and he said it was ok.

Yesterday we half-planned a trip to Colorado Springs, so I knew to bring my camera at least. We were planning to go to Garden of the Gods but once we got close we decided to drive to Pike's Peak but then we got distracted and decided to go to Seven Falls. But I got so many good pictures out there! It was amazing!