Monday, October 3, 2011

Things I Wish I Could Tell a Younger Me

I'm pretty irritable today. I lost a friend for the most ridiculous reason. I'm frustrated because she seemed as if she only picked out things she wanted to hear and make it a big stink when it shouldn't have been. Whatever. I'm going to voice my frustration by posting things I wish I could go back in time and tell myself.

-First and most importantly, when your friends introduce you to Dustin Mounts, run as far as you can.

-You're not going to get in to the first college you want. You might get in if you apply next year but I know you and I know that you don't know what you want to do with yourself. You shouldn't waste your time going to MSU. You will meet no one who will benefit your life. Time, money, tears, and sweat will be saved. Find something else to do for a little bit. Take your time figuring it out.

-Don't try to be something you're not. You're just going to make life harder if you do.

-Don't waste time working all through high school with nothing to show for it. Save your money and buy yourself a car. Not anything Volkswagen.

-Your mom thinks she is right about Dallas. For once she isn't right.

-Josh is a great guy. He is a great boyfriend. You're not going to marry him so end it before you really hurt each other.

-Don't waste your time wishing for that one guy. It didn't work out the first 5 times you "dated" and its not going to work the next 5 times.

-You might think you should be a teacher at some point. You're wrong. Teaching is not for you. You're shy, you don't like public speaking, and more than 5 kids in a room will give you a headache.

-You might also think you want to be a travel agent. You're wrong on that one too. But this was a fun mistake so feel free to ignore that you know its a mistake. You'll meet some good people at Sullivan and some no-so-good people. You'll go on 2 really awesome trips and have alot of fun. If you do go to Sullivan at least go through the trouble of finishing. Its only 3 more months and you're going to have to pay back your student loans. So make sure you at least have something to show for it.

-It might not be fun at first but you should see your grandparents as often as possible. This will never be wasted time.

-In fact, spend as much time as possible with your family. They are the best friends you'll ever have and will always be there for you, no matter what.

-When you have your own place and you really want a pet, don't get a cat. You don't like cats.

-Don't bother looking at wedding stuff. Ever. Not even when you find Adam. You're going to be halfway done planning your wedding and elope. So don't worry about weddings... just plan to elope. Its simple, easy, cheap, and drama-free. 

-When Amanda and Mikie get married, be a better bridesmaid/sister. Help as much as you can. But never agree to be in a wedding again.

-Don't get an apartment with friends. It will seem like a great idea at first. Its really a horrible idea.

-If I know me at all, I know that I'm stubborn and like to make my own mistakes. So when you date Dustin anyway at least end it earlier than you did. When it comes down to living in Morehead in an studio together or living in Lexington in an apartment without him, choose without him. If you choose Lexington, Nana will help you by co-signing for your apartment. She will want you to agree that he won't live there with you. Its a good deal and will make it a good time to dump his ass. He will never change. Repay Nana by running errands for her... specifically any to Pet Supermarket. Even if you don't need it, ask the cute guy with brown hair and blue eyes for help. Smile, blush, do your flirty thing because he will be the most important person you'll meet because someday you'll be his wife.

When I started writing this this morning it was just out of frustration. I wanted to vent but Adam isn't home. I didn't want to vent on facebook because it would only start drama. It started out because I realized all the people I thought were my best friends when I was still a teenager, aren't around anymore. And that made me look back and reflect on what made those friendship end. And about what I should have done differently, what would have saved me some trouble. Whether I'm right or wrong this time doesn't matter. I guess I might have hurt her and she hurt me right back. I did learn today that I'm not choosing my friends very wisely. I should really be careful of who I call a friend.